Welcome to Fire Prevention Services
The University of Texas at Austin Fire Prevention Services (FPS) office ensures a safe environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors by providing a comprehensive fire prevention program. Our fire safety professionals are charged with monitoring all university buildings for compliance with local and state requirements, and partner with our community stakeholders to perform the inspections and drills necessary for risk reduction and the potential negative repercussions of fire on campus.

Request Evacuation Training
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Fire Extinguisher Training Classes
Sign up for portable fire extinguisher training online

Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our frequently asked questions

Using Prescribed Fire at the Half-Pint Prairie
What’s a prescribed fire and how does it work? Also called a controlled burn, watch the process at the Half-Pint Prairie on The University of Texas at Austin campus in late November 2020. A project of the Campus Environmental Center—student-led environmental action—the Half-Pint Prairie was seeded in February 2019 to illustrate the beauty and benefits of native Blackland Prairie plants. Since prescribed fires regenerate more lush growth, Half-Pint documented the process with student team leader Jack Rouse, directed by Matt O’Toole, Director of Land Resources at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, in collaboration with Jim Carse from UT Landscape Services and the City of Austin. Also watch Central Texas Gardener’s story of how Half-Pint team leaders are seeding the future and why they got involved.

Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers and Fire Safety
In light of the COVID-19 healthcare crisis, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds; especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. But if soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (AHBS) with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. How does the use of AHBSs impact fire safety, click here to learn more.

Home Fire Safety
Home fires are the #1 cause of fire deaths in the United States. In these challenging times we are all spending more time at home and fire safety may be neglected as a result of additional distractions and stress that we are all experiencing as we collectively combat COVID-19. Fire Prevention Services encourages the UT community to take time to ensure that your homes and families are practicing fire safety and prepared to act in the event of an emergency. Click here to learn more about how to prevent home fires and how to prepare and protect your family in the event of a fire.