FPS Staff Leads Fire Extinguisher Training
Extinguisher Types
The vast majority of extinguishers on campus are multipurpose, dry chemical units that are rated for use with Class A, B and C fires. Carbon dioxide units are the second most common type of extinguisher on campus, and are rated for use with Class B and C fires.
There are also K extinguishers installed on campus in areas of commercial cooking operations. Typically, these are only accessible to staff members assigned to that area.
Note: In previous years, Halon extinguishers were installed in areas with sensitive electronic equipment. However, the university is removing Halon extinguishers from campus due to environmental concerns and installing Carbon Dioxide extinguishers to replace the Halon units. If you have a Halon extinguisher in your work area, please notify the Fire Prevention Services office so we can replace the unit.

Extinguisher Locations
Extinguishers are kept in the following locations on campus:
- Fire Hose Cabinets - large, red metal cabinets commonly located in the walls of exit corridors. This is the most common location for portable extinguishers on campus.
- Fire Extinguisher Cabinets - smaller, less-conspicuous cabinets usually located in exit corridors and recessed into the walls. This is a common extinguisher location in newer buildings.
- Wall-mounted Brackets hold extinguishers that are not stored in cabinets. This method keeps extinguishers in plain view on the walls, and is most common in laboratory work areas, workshops, and large office suites.
Extinguisher Inspection Stickers
In previous years, Fire Prevention Services personnel attached paper tags to extinguishers that were hole-punched to indicate the month and year of the last maintenance inspection. However, the university has purchased a bar-coding system to monitor the inspection of portable extinguishers, so tags will no longer be attached when an inspection is performed.
Extinguisher Request
If you need a fire extinguisher for an event you are hosting or for a location on campus that requires a fire extinguisher you can submit a request using the following form: Fire Extinguisher Request (PDF, the request form may need to be downloaded, the submit function may not be compatible with in browser viewers).