Student Events

If your student organization is planning to host a special event on campus, whether big or small, we encourage you to visit the Student Activities Event Planning Resources webpage.  Student organizations may be required to complete an event consultation with Student Activities or with reservation staff in a managed venue on campus such as the Texas Union or WCP Student Activity Center.  If your event includes any of the activities below you should first complete an event consultation with the appropriate office at least 21 days in advance and then submit a request for the relevant permit(s) from Fire Prevention Services (FPS):

  • tents
  • temporary  cooking
  • open flames (candles, incense, sterno, etc.)
  • temporary decorative lighting (string lights, holiday lights, etc.)
  • food trucks
  • fireworks or other pyrotechnic effects

To request a permit please visit our webpage for Special Events Permits.

Depending on the size and location of your event, you may be required to have trained crowd managers present. For details on when crowd managers are required please see the FPS SOP on Crowd Managers. To request crowd manager training for members of your organization please email